Euphoric atmosphere takes over CHHS music

CHHS band plays at a football game.

Beautiful music and jovial laughs can be heard all day long coming from the music room at Canyon Hills High School, however, this was not always the case. The music department has really brightened up since the arrival of the music teacher Michael Feidler, the increase in enthusiasm and determination of the musicians is undeniable. According to Destiny Ryan, a graduate of the Serra class of 2020, “As soon as Fiedler started teaching you could feel a shift in the attitudes of students. Everyone could relax a bit more and actually enjoy class and explore our passion for music. While before it always felt like I was competing against my other orchestra members, with Fiedler everybody became a tight unit like a family.”

CHHS orchestra poses for a photo.
Students in the CHHS music program practice their music and learn important life skills in the process.

Almost everyday during lunch and after school, any student of the music department is welcome to join others in the music room to play music with others or by themselves if they wish. If you are not part of the music department but wish to be in the music room, fear not because as long as you acquaint yourself with Mr. Fiedler and show that you are respectful he is more than happy to welcome you inside the music room. According to senior Jeremy Navarro, “Music is what I love most and to be able to play music with my friends everyday during lunch and meet new people to play music with is something I’m grateful for because I know that not everyone is privileged to do so.”

The music department here is open for all students at any music level. For the advanced students who desire to push themselves and play at a high level with others, there is the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Honor Band and Orchestra every year to try out for. According to senior Chaneol Choi, “I love playing in the SDUSD Honor Orchestra because it’s where students from all across the district come together to play together at a high level with passion in an amazing atmosphere.”