Standardized testing is slowly fading out of academic settings and being replaced with more individualized and logical real-world-based testing and should continue to do so.

Standardized testing is a cookie-cutter way of learning meant to make teachers have an easy time grading. I think that is a very strong opinion but anything in life and be argued to some extent and school and your answer is 100% something that can be in any subject. So having an A, B, C, and D style test is just for quick grading and leaves no room for growth but only highlights kids with strong comprehension and memorization skills. Memory should be the reason for a K-12 grade and future when it leaves no room for critical thinking.
Students should be able to have a vast way of displaying their skill and knowledge in a topic. Having A, B, C, and D style tests doesn’t show a student’s depth of knowledge vs an essay-style response or free response.
These standardized tests prove to be terrible for students with higher IQs or different more abstract ways of thinking. This type of testing culture produces basic thinkers and not people who can think outside the box and problem-solve. It plays to the “Type A” people’s hand vs giving everyone a fair shot for assessment.