Being a long time fan of the franchise there was a lot of anticipation coming in to watching this. It was about Corlioanus Snow back before he became President of Panem. Starting the movie off showing him and his cousin Tigris, as kids running and scared of the ongoing war around them. There was a lot of hype leading up to this movie so I didn’t know what to expect. I have to say I was thoroughly impressed by the movie, quickly making it one of my favorites.

Takes place 64 years before we ever see Katniss Everdeen come into play with Peeta Mallark. We get to see what kinds of issues and complications make Snow into who he is currently in the Hunger Games series. Despite all the flaws that Snow has in the movie they are somehow able to spin it to make him such a lovable character that people can’t stay mad at him. We see as the movie progresses that the pieces start being put together of what is going to happen. We get to dive into the past and see what the games are all about. Even being able to get a little glimpse of what it was like before the war and see how the capitol hsa evolved.
While I did seem to find the movie intriguing and captivating I had a few criticizing remarks about it. The first thing I would say is that the arena itself was lackluster and the training to get there just wasn’t even included. I understand that the games are still in their early years from where they are going to be but it was such a drastic difference from a standpoint of someone looking forward to that. Another thing is, while Lucy Gray did have a big personality and was able to get everyone’s attention, she lacked in being able to do any sort of combat which would have been the end of her if Snow wasn’t there to help her. Which made her seem almost weak and that she needed someone to rely on.
Overall this movie was pretty good and definitely entertaining with a lot of surprises. If you are a big fan of Dystopian films I would add this to your must watch list. However compared overall to the other hunger games films this in particular was more of a lackluster film. The only main importance of it is to show how Snow came to be who he became today and why Katniss Everdeen rubbed him the wrong way.