Without a doubt, ‘The NUN II’ brings ‘The NUN’ movie to shame, and that’s obvious without even having watched the first.
‘The NUN II’ was advertised as twice as scary, and way more insane than the first movie. With Valak being put as the center of attention, the main villain of the continuing story. Many ads showed jumpscares with Valak appearing in shadows and screaming following.
So the hype for the sequel was crazy, all fans of ‘The NUN’, as well as the ‘Conjuring’ series in general, were very excited. The trailers were all over, inescapable. As an outsider, I didn’t understand the hype, though I went to watch the movie anyway.
Going in with no prior knowledge, I was a bit lost. There were some cutbacks to the first movie, which only made me more confused. Looking past that though, what was this movie all about? To be honest, I’m not quite sure.
Well, I watched the movie at a drive-in theater, first of all. The radio in the car would keep cutting in and out. This aspect made the jumpscares a lot less scary. As well as the fact that the screen was hard to see.

From what I could see and gather about the story, it was about a serviceman becoming possessed and turned into a werewolf by Valak, and then being saved by a bunch of young girl nuns. It may seem like I am skipping out on major details, but truly that is all there is to this movie. Plus some weird family bond between the man and two of the nuns.
The movie was extremely hard to see, every shot being very dim. When lights were on, they could sometimes be too bright, causing myself to look away so I wouldn’t go blind. T
he jumpscares of the wolf monster were so hard to see, that they weren’t even scary. In fact they were laughable. Not necessarily because the wolf model was bad, but because you could barely even see it.
Also, Valak only showed up nearing the end of the movie! She wasn’t even scary either, unless you are terrified of a weird mouth on a nun. From what I remember, she didn’t really do much either.
There were many quiet parts, which were most of the time not ending in a jumpscare. The suspense was not scary, and it made the jumpscares even less scary.
As mentioned before the wolf scenes were not as scary, well that is also because of one scene where one of the little girls screams at the sight of the wolf, her scream seemed so fake. Though, what can you expect from having a child actor in a horror movie?
Overall, this movie was a waste of time. The jumpscares were hardly scary, the graphics were okay besides the lighting, and the sound was mediocre.
‘The NUN II’ is another movie added to the list of disappointing sequels, and the context of the first movie isn’t even needed to make that clear.