The bar is seemingly on the floor, after the announcement of this year’s Homecoming theme,

(Ralp Berry)
and the students at Canyon Hills are beyond disappointed with the overly exhausted theme of ‘Candyland.’
Senior Nina Mostafa remarked that she wished the homecoming theme would be more engaging.
“It seems like ASB has completely given up on trying to be creative,” said Mostafa. “And now they are just pumping out cheap, uninteresting ideas.”
To further explore this idea, a sample of students from all four grades was taken to organize their opinions on the ‘Candyland’ theme. Over 90% of the students surveyed claimed that they did not like the theme.
Senior Savannah Richard shared that she wasn’t at all shocked to the survey’s disappointing results.
“I am not surprised,” Richard explained. “The results make sense, all of my friends are either impartial to, or against the idea of a Candyland Homecoming.”
Additionally, It was explained that the school’s ASB had many other ideas for a homecoming theme. After learning this information, 100% of the students surveyed shared that they would have chosen one of the other themes.
The students had a lot to say, Junior Cam Furet argued that the student government should prioritize the student’s opinions when deciding big ideas like this one;
“It seems unfair that ASB can choose the theme of a student dance without our consideration.” They said. “Especially because they are supposed to be representing and working for the student body.”
However, the student survey also revealed that several students were indifferent to the dance’s theme.
Senior Bella Frausto’s opinion on the theme clearly showed this idea.
“I like it because I know what the other options were and this one seems the most appropriate for high school,” said Frausto. “Especially because we have 14-year-olds on campus, but at the same time it could have been a lot less childish,”.
This survey also included one member of the school’s ASB, and they happened to have shared ideas that were very similar to those of the students.
The other students shared the same overarching idea during the interviewing process, in that the opinions and thoughts of the students themselves should be the outcome, or at least taken into consideration in the selection of the theme of the school’s dances.
This idea is already implemented into how the homecoming court is decided, so it truly is not a stretch to suggest that the students should also have a say in how their school creates and themes the events. The direct purpose of a student government is to represent the interests of the student body through student events, and this can only be done by listening to their thoughts and ideas.
Adding this change to how the school is governed would promote a vastly more engaging and exciting experience for everyone on campus, not just for the student body. This change would additionally allow the student government to be more involved with the student life and culture.
In response to this obviously negative feedback, ASB member Macy Watson spoke out to reporters.
“ASB didn’t want to change the way they choose the event themes,” Watson stated. “It has always been done this way, and we still don’t see a reason to change it.”
In its most simplified form, government, no matter how big or small, is made to represent the people. After hearing from the many Canyon Hills students, it is quite evident that the student body as a whole may want change.