ASB makes multiple changes to the 2025 Winter Formal compared to previous years at Canyon Hills High School with a new ASB President.
For years Canyon Hills has called their second dance of the year Winter Formal, but due to unknown circumstances, the dance has been pushed back until March. The date has been set for March 22nd at the Fleet Science Center located in Balboa Park. This is the exact venue that was used two years ago because it was a fan favorite. The Fleet Science Center venue allows guests to not only dance and hang out with friends but also go and look at different exhibits.

The name is not the only thing that has changed this year. In recent years ASB came up with a theme and released it without contribution from the school’s student body, this year they came up with four different themes and posted them on the app 5-Star for students to vote on the best theme. The theme that won is La La Land which creates a midnight and jazz concept for the decorations. The hallways have been decorated by ASB to match this vibe, with a midnight skyline made out of paper to excite the students for the upcoming dance.
5-Star is an app where students can vote on many different things, such as ASB or Class President, themes for dances, and who won certain contests going on at the time. This is a new development that has been implemented into Canyon Hills. This app could be the reason for all of the changes because it is a much easier way for the students to participate and be a part of the school.
This new era of ASB has caused multiple changes for how different aspects of school events are run, but it is for the better. With the new systems in place, it allows for more involvement within the student population, which causes more participation in those school sponsored events!