Students experience mixed emotions during the last week of school before winter break at CHHS due to Midterms.
When asked how prepared they were, students gave positive responses. Junior Katherine Zeman states, “Yeah, I am. For math we’re allowed a note card for the math test. And I filled it up completely, I mean even if I already knew it like I was certain, I still wrote it down in case I needed to fall back on it or if I was doubting myself”. Another student Ariana Jennings exclaims, “Yes, I am. All of my finals are pretty easy”

But despite this level of preparedness some students were still scared over those classes. Zeman adds on, “Yes. Even if I’m prepared, it’s not for all of the classes”. When asked, Senior Alex Toth says, “A little bit yeah, a little bit”
The rest however are confident in their success. When asked if she was stressed, Jennings concludes, “No. Even if I fail my finals I’ll pass my classes so I don’t really care”. Junior Rebecca Durnell agrees, “No, I don’t have very many so I’m not. I mean, I’m a little worried about math, not really actually, cause I know I’ll figure it out”
These feelings are warranted as they all have different ideas of the midterms. When asked about the difficulty of his midterms, Toth explains, “Well it’s AP Government and I’ll be writing for 45 minutes straight, so no”. Meanwhile Jennings describes, “Yes. They easy, they be easy”
There is one thing every student at CHHS has in common, their excitement for Winter break. One of the reasons is to simply be out of school as Junior Elizabth Paddock exclaims, “Yeah, very excited because I don’t have to be here”. Filled with similar feelings, Zeman says, “Yes. I am so happy oh my gosh, this last week has been like super stressful […] I’m so glad it’s gonna be over”
Not only that, but students are also anticipating spending time with their families. Within the same statement Zeman includes, “It’s just gonna be relaxing, it’s gonna be with family”. Concluding the joy of family, Durnell says, “Also I’m happy for the holidays, to see family, have food, and open presents and stuff”