As finals come to an end and Christmas rolls around everyone starts planning vacations for the holidays and new year. Some people stay home and enjoy time with their family while others go to work to get that extra holiday pay. You cannot go wrong with any of these activities because it’s Christmas break! Everyone is excited to leave behind their schooling, focusing on what really matters, having fun! Canyon Hills Chronicles is here to find out what people around school are planning not only for Christmas but for the New Year!
In order to see how different everyone was spending their holiday break we asked a few people around School. Journalism’s one and only Editor in Chief, Hal’e Martin was thrilled to tell us how she is going to spend her break. She stated, “Filled with softball without a single day off. For Christmas I’m going to friends celebrating her sister’s Birthday I’m also going to that same friend’s house for New Years. Isn’t that a fantastic way to spend Christmas break, refining your skills that are very important to you. We asked a lucky student from each grade level to ask them what they were doing during their Christmas break. With all of these different Christmas break plans we can see the many different and exciting ways students of Canyon Hills spend their free time. We started with the senior class, asking ASB president, Genasis Carachure, what she was doing during her break. Enthusiastically, she said “ I’m gonna go to Spain where I’m gonna spend my whole break! ”.

We then asked Junior Enzo Marques and he replied with some exciting plans, “I’m going to grandpa’s house where he is going to let me drive his boat and Porsche. But for New Years I’m going back home where I’ll probably play brawl stars.” Moving on to the lower classmen sophomore Kaden Hammock is spending her break “at her grandma’s house”. Last but not least Freshman Victoria Ochoa said, “Every year I hangout with my friends and family during the holidays. For New Years I watch the fireworks with my loved ones”. We love to see the different ways people are spending their break at home.
Although everyone is spending their Winter break differently, every student enjoys spending time away from their stressful studies. Each family gets together spending time laughing and bonding which is what Christmas is all about. After this new year everyone will be coming back to school with new year’s resolutions to bring about the best version of themselves. Happy Holidays to all, Canyon Hills Chronicles hopes you have a fantastic break.