The 2024 movie “Wicked” is a movie adaptation to the world-famous broadway musical. The musical was first released in October of 2003, which is a prequel of the movie “Wizard of Oz”, which came out in August of 1939. It quickly became a renowned musical, with thousands of people going to see it on Broadway each year, and having other states release it as well in their local theaters.
To say that there were expectations of this movie, would be an understatement. People have waited so long to see their favorite musical come to life on their screens. Especially when played by some of their favorite celebrities, including Ariana Grande and Jonathan Bailey.
As someone who has only ever seen Wicked in the theater once when I was little, my expectations were quite low. As I watched the movie, I did not really know what to expect and had no idea what would happen next. Coming from that perspective, I really enjoyed watching the movie, and the way one could feel the emotions of the characters through their singing. Especially Elphaba, the actress who plays Elphaba did an amazing job at convincing the audience to feel sympathy for this character that is a known villain.
Although I did enjoy this movie, I am not the biggest fan of musicals so a couple of the songs felt as though they were led out too long and they began to feel as though they were repeating themselves, and unnecessary. But other than that, the songs were enjoyable and the atmosphere in the theatre was fantastic and I cannot wait to watch the second part.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed this movie and would give it an 7.5/10. I would recommend this movie to anybody that likes musicals or broadway. If someone is not the biggest fan of musicals I would not recommend this movie because there is lots of singing throughout. Overall I will be going straight to the theatres whenever part two is released!