On Friday October 25th Canyon Hills High had their first pep rally for the 2024 – 2025 school year. Due to this event, every class was shortened creating anticipation for this fun filled event. The Pep Rally was filled with many different activities allowing students to participate which kept them engaged and entertained.
As students walked into the gym they were greeted with colorful lights, decorations, and a melody, played by the Canyon Hills Band, exciting the audience and fulfilling their anticipation for an exciting evening. As the band died down each student took their seat depending on their grade filling them with pride whenever they were asked to cheer or participate. Once the gym was filled and the noise diminished, Tiffani Brown walked onto the court and sang the National Anthem, honoring our country with her beautiful voice. We interviewed Tiffani asking her how she got the confidence to sing the anthem in front of the whole school.
“In the summer I had singing competitions which gave me confidence overtime.” Brown stated
We are very proud of Tiffany and we encourage you to commend her for her fantastic performance. Before any of the games or events took place MC Gabriel Orila and Jake Langderfer gave an electrifying welcome to every student in attendance, not only this they led the pep rally the whole time hyping up the crowd and announcing what was to come. The cheerleaders then continued to run into the gym rolling out the mats for a stunning performance, they danced to the song “24K Magic” by popular artist Bruno Mars. There were many cool stunts and you could tell the sheer amount of practice that went into their routine. We asked Senior Cheerleader Lina Bronco how much the cheerleading team practiced perfecting their craft.
She said “we practiced for 6 hours a week a month before the start of the school year.”

Isn’t that so amazing, they put in so much effort into their dance showing the whole school what they are made of. After the Cheerleaders danced their hearts out the dance team STEP proceeded to give a thrilling performance, it was a perfect segway into the game part of the pep rally. Every game that was held had 2 participants from each grade level forming a total of 8 students competing for bragging rights. Having each grade compete against each other brought a sense of pride into the winning grade. There were 3 different games held during the Pep Rally, balloon pop, ketchup race, and a potato sack red light green light. All of these games were so intense ending the pep rally with a bang leaving all the students wanting more.
Canyon Hills 2024 pep rally was a blast and it left every student anticipating the next one. Whoever put all of this together deserves the utmost respect and thanks, everyone who participated did an amazing job and should be very proud of themselves. We hope you enjoyed this year’s pep rally and we’ll get back when the next one comes around.