Gun control has been a battle the government has been fighting since the 20th century and I presume gun control and rights are a battle that will never really end. Students become sitting ducks in all school hostage situations and schools take away a student’s ability to use their own fight or flight senses with only their school’s future image in mind.

High school students are a special case in comparison to K-8th, High school students range from 14-18 most seniors are adults but they are still bent to the will of outdated school laws. The entire approach to schools and safety is executed mindlessly and, when explained, has no logical sense. Most school’s “safety” systems make every unsafe situation expediently more unsafe. Schools lock their kids in yet anyone can walk right into the school if they steal a student ID. The construction of school safety is built up on hypotheticals and in these hypotheticals they leave out all room for any sort of human intelligence. Schools are more focused on keeping students in than keeping dangers out.
The people who patrol around the school aren’t ready to deal with an active shooter but are armed to deal with a kid late to class. There have been over 100 school shootings in the last 4 years yet no real steps have been taken to ensure safety. If you need a statistic at Canyon Hills we have had 2 Shooting threats and 1 Bomb Threat in 3 years. Thankfully all have been threats, but the district and school administration have done nothing to the student’s public knowledge to ease minds. Offering someone to talk to after school hours isn’t enough. A school has a threat one day then the next day every single student is expected to show up and keep learning like nothing happened is pure cruelty.
I understand schools have no control over who brings a gun or the gun laws in their state but they do have some control over how they handle it or how they protect their students. I do believe that a school’s response is a disgusting reflection of the education system as a whole and the school’s district.