The Dungeons and Dragons club is one of the clubs that have started up this year, a club based around the tabletop role playing game dungeons and dragons.

Dungeons and Dragons or DND is a tabletop roleplaying game in which players form an adventuring party in the world of the game/dungeon master. From there the party explores the world and progresses through the story.
“In general I would explain the game as collaborative storytelling.” Teacher James Ross says. “We all get together, we have your head storyteller or your dungeon master who sets the scene and creates the world the rest of you play in. It’s all about creating a character that seems fun to you or entertaining.”
The club currently only has one campaign that takes inspiration from Greek mythology and its gods. The campaign is run by the club president Jonathan Eduardo Ibarra, he describes his campaign like this
“I’m running a campaign based off of a world where the Greek gods have different nations after them.” Jonathan Eduardo Ibarra says. “The party or the players have to navigate through the different nations.”
There are no real requirements to join the dnd club. Participants don’t have to know anything about the game or have played before. Ross explains that he only has one prerequisite for newcomers.
“An open mind.” Ross says with a laugh. “Beyond that no, just come hangout.”
The members off the club are willing to help with any needs that comes with setting up a character and getting through the game. As Eduardo Ibarra says about dnd as a game.
“DND is a very expressive game, you can be anyone you want to be, do anything you want to do and the stories can range just based off your imagination.” Eduardo Ibarra says