It’s officially that time. That time in which Mariah Carey begins to thaw out for the christmas season, when sprite cranberry is sold in stores again, and when the lifelong dispute begins; thanksgiving time or christmas time? As of this very moment, though, it’s only November 2, so I can still reminisce about the wonders of the Halloween season.

(Declan Noriega)
One of the many wonders of the Halloween season is the tradition of haunted houses and other “scary” locations, One of the most popular in Southern California being Knott’s Berry Farms very own Knotts Scary Farm. This is basically just the park as usual but with a couple hundred actors that jumpscare you and (hopefully) unintentionally spit in your face.
Reading this it may be interpreted that I found the event to be lackluster, but I’m trying to write about it as I initially felt about it. To be quite frank, I fell victim to even the tamest jumpscares by the actors. In fact, regular workers often scared me without even trying.
My previous excitement and confidence had been swindled, I mean those guys really know how to do their job correctly. So after the initial breach of my security, I mistakenly found the confidence to escort my friends into the mazes located within the front of the park. Once again, I was wrong. In my defense, the exterior structure of these mazes was pretty subpar. Never judge a book by its cover, as they say. The insides were oftentimes very well put together, with one of the mazes even violently shaking, and I never once feared death by aloft impact. To put it short, these mazes were very well put together and it’s clear that genuine thought and effort was put towards their building.
Besides all that, most of the rides were still open, some even being decorated with a spooky aesthetic. It was a momentary safe space, the lines were no shorter than usual though. I personally always enjoy the rides at Knotts and there’s no difference between their Halloween counterparts. That is, until you exit the ride and are jumpscared again. Imagine shaking after being spun around at 67 mph and then being screamed at right after. It’s NOT fun.
My friends were not met with as much contempt, I was often the only one getting scared but they all had just as much fun.
Knotts Scary Farm is as fun as you allow it to be. If you enjoy the rides and the typical attractions as well as things like Haunted trails, it’s a must go for next year. But October’s over. Now I’m faced with the horror that is my bank account after Christmas shopping.