Over the past few days classes have been told to decorate their doors in hopes of winning that prized

pizza party, cause everyone loves pizza right? But how many actually participate in the door decorating? Was this a successful attempt at school spirit, or was it another failure added to a steadily growing list?
Simply put it was a massive failure considering that I could only find four classrooms actually participated in the door decorating.
Two were in the 1000’s building, one was in the 200’s building and one in the 700. All were good door decorations, but the best one is probably the one found in the 200’s building because it 1, looks cool and 2 it has black and red tendrils that cling onto the walls around them, making it much more than a door design and again it’s cool.
But this brings up a constant problem the school is facing; no one has school spirit and not even the promise of pizza can make them motivated enough to do something. The major problem

was that no one really cares about doing stuff like this, along with this there wasn’t enough time in some classes like the collage classes. Those classes didn’t have time to do the door decorating and for others they couldn’t fit into their schedule. This wasn’t helped by teachers only being informed 3-4 days before the contest was set to begin. Another reason is due to lack
of engagement, like in my class we didn’t really care about the pizza party. No one really cared about the pizza or at least not enough to decorate the doors. And it’s because not a lot of people care about school in the first place. I know a good amount of people who think of school as a chore and don’t want to do anything related to the school.
Overall the decorated door contest was a failure due to lack of time and or care for the contest.