Mr. Pedersen’s Class (above) has a newly reactivated CHHS Instagram and Youtube channel with student work, sports pictures, and school spirit. The attached poster has QR code links for both. They are from our graphic design and photography classes. Check them out!
We have several things going on this upcoming week that you will not want to miss, including SPIRIT Week!

Tuesday: 7 pm is our Winter Concert featuring our Orchestra and Choir, FARB is coming for 8th-grade tours, and 9th and 10th-grade shout-outs will be celebrated!
Wednesday: 6:30 pm is our Foundation Meeting, and 7 pm is our Winter Concert featuring our Band and Colorguard; DePortola students are coming for 8th-grade tours
Thursday: nothing
Friday: Movie Night at 6

Saturday School is how you make up work and clear those tardies!
Here is the signup information:
Athletics: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION–PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/.
We are now doing an Athletic Weekly; this is created with the most accurate data we have at the time, and we understand things change last minute, so always check MaxPreps as well.
Girl’s Waterpolo and Girl’s Wrestling need athletes. Please reach out to:
Girls Waterpolo Coach at [email protected]
Girl’s Wrestling Coach at [email protected]

9th Grade Academy!
Welcome to CHHS!
Ms. Elizabeth Ward, Vice Principal, Class of 2025, and the CHHS Admin team and Staff.
Mrs. Nelson’s Class worked on Critical Thinking this week! Shout Out!
Students in Mrs. Nelsons American Literature class were highly engaged and spent time doing Critical Thinking in a Hexagonal Thinking Method–check it out below about nonfiction texts and ideas associated with the texts:

Main Parent Booster Website
Dr. Erica Renfree